Social action
In the Bible we see that Jesus’s disciples shared with one another so no one was in need. We want to reflect this and be a generous family that looks after one another and the community around us. Below are some ways you can help.
Give help or receive help
Need help?
Firstly, if you are in need, please get in contact as we’d love to help you. You can call us on 020 8569 8333 or contact the team via email. We’re here whether you need some practical support or would just like a listening ear so do get in touch.
Want to help?
We’re looking at all sorts of ways we can love and bless those around us. You can register your interest below and we’ll be in touch when there’s something you can help out with whether that’s doing someone’s shopping for them when they can’t leave the house, or helping prepare packs to be given to the local community.
Local Foodbank
We want to make sure that no one in our local community has to go hungry, but Ealing Foodbank need your help to make this happen. Your gift of financial support, time, and food can make a real difference. Ealing Foodbank always appreciate tinned meat/fish/fruit and you can see the most up-to-date needs by clicking below.
Night Shelter
Ealing Churches Winter Night Shelter (ECWNS) is working with a number of churches to provide warmth and shelter to homeless guests through the cold winter nights and to support them in rebuilding their lives. Many people who belong to Bless are also involved in night shelters in their local areas. If you would like to help in anyway click on the button below.
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