Bless young adults
Your 20s and 30s are an exciting time - an age to dream, explore, experiment and establish foundations for life. With Jesus at the centre, we want to allow a space for young adults to discover more about who God says they are!
What’s on?
It is at the heart of Bless to live lives centred and attune to the Holy Spirit, as a charismatic family in active pursuit of a life with Jesus. One element of how we support our young adults in this pursuit is our monthly Spirit Filled Lives gatherings. This space provides us with the opportunity to come together, share in a meal, explore what it means to live a spirit-filled life, and spend time inviting and encountering the transformative presence of God together.

We are super blessed to have an amazing community of young adults, from all walks of life, who are hungry to know and love God in every area of their lives, and to support and champion one another in that pursuit. Being integrated into our multigenerational community means that this group is intentionally and lovingly invested into by the wider church family, whilst also having space to explore what it means to be a follower of Jesus with those at similar life stages too.
— Emma Sears (Young Adults, Ministry Lead)
Alpha is a chance to ask the big questions of life and explore the Christian faith in a fun, non-pressured environment. Whether you believe in God or not, everyone is welcome! No question is out of bounds, and you can talk as little or as much as you like. If at any point you decide Alpha isn't for you, that's not a problem. There's no pressure, no follow up and it’s free!
I’m New
Welcome to Bless, we can't wait to meet you! Come and join us on a Sunday - we would love to get to know you. Please head over to our ‘I’m New’ page so that we can be in touch with you. We look forward to hearing from you.